Collections USA, Inc.
20813 N 19th Ave Ste 1
Phoenix, AZ 85027-3520
Collections USA, Inc.
Collections USA, Inc. is an Arizona collection agency. Arizona collection agencies can help businesses, medical practices and facilities that are creditors to collect their accounts receivable. Debt collection help might include; collection demand letters, debt collector phone calls, credit reporting to credit bureaus and legal proceedings including lawsuits.
As with any business, if you are considering hiring Collections USA, Inc. to collect your debts, you should contact their local Better Business Bureau and check their references.
You should be certain that Collections USA, Inc. is abiding by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), the main law that regulates collection agencies. You don’t want to damage your reputation or create a liability for you business by using a disreputable debt collector.
You might also want to find out if the Arizona Attorney General has taken any action against them for privacy violations or not abiding by collection agency regulations. You should also know that they are in compliance with all Arizona collections laws including (but not limited to):
- Arizona Collection Agency Bond & Licensing Rules
- Arizona Statute Of Limitations
- Arizona Interest Rates (to avoid usury)
- Arizona Wage Garnishment Exemptions
- Arizona Bad Check Laws (NSF)
Collections USA, Inc.
collections usa inc, collection usa inc
(Orin Kerr) A group of law reviews — including the main law reviews at Harvard, Yale, Chicago, and Stanford — have announced that they are opposed to exploding offers of publication. The journals “commit, effective immediately, to give every author at least seven days to decide whether to accept any offer of publication.” In the letter […]
Both are real collection agencies.
1: you knew 10 years ago you pay that 900.00 bill. Because you forgot about it mean you owe it.
2: if you move and you fail to contact each creditor each time you move, how are they supposed to find you? They have a psychic on staff who pops up and says hey bobs moving
3: except in the state of mn, there is no statute of limitations that absolves you from your debt.
4: Do the honest thing and pay it. You know you owe it.
5: If really nice when you call the collection agency, you can ask nicely for a settlement. If its 900.00 and willing to pay with a credit card or check by phone, you may be able to get the account closed for as little as 500.00.