Nursing Home Collection Agency Watch a nursing home collection agency video review by Suzanne, a business office manager with residents and responsible parties that aren't paying their long term care bills. This nursing home collection agency video brings up some of the issues that business offices can face when trying to collect long term care debts, and it shows: Nursing … [Read more...]
Online Collection Agency
Online Collection Agency Watch a online collection agency video review by Eric, whose older bother has a business with customers that aren't paying up. This online collection agency video brings up some of the issues that businesses can face when trying to find online collection agencies, and it shows: Online Collection Agency There are many collection agencies online. … [Read more...]
Home Business Collection Agency
Home Business Collection Agency Watch a home business collection agency video review by a home business owner, who had a customer that wouldn't pay her threaten to call the police when she called to find out why they weren't paying. This home business collection agency video depicts some of the issues that home businesses can face when trying to collect from delinquent … [Read more...]
Commercial Collection Agency
Commercial Collection Agency Watch a commercial collection agency video review by a commercial business owner in restaurant supply, who encountered a cusotmer who had godo credit but still did not pay him on time. This commercial collection agency video discussus some of the issues that business to business creditors face when trying to collect from commercial delinquent … [Read more...]
Business Collection Agency
Business Collection Agency Watch a business collection agency video review by a business owner, who encountered a Fortune 500 client who wouldn't pay him. This business collection agency video illustrates some of the issues that businesses face when trying to collect from large and powerful delinquent clients, and it shows: Business Collection Agency Large companies can … [Read more...]